My True Followers

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Day 4: Route 89 (Idaho to the Grand Canyon) Temple Tour

Today I started at Sandy, Utah and ended in Springville, Utah.

I have ordered this patch, which is the theme for Route 89.

Went back to the Jordan River bike trail and went under this bridge, looks like a great homeless camp.

Many of these bridges and the trail weaves back and forth across the river.

At the end of the Jordan River trail my bike Garmin sent me up this gravel road.  At first couldn't believe it was correct, but went anyway.

It was correct after a misinterpretation of one turn that turned me into a gravel quarry.

I finally got on the correct siding road, side by side with I 15.

At the peak of the pass over what is known as "Point of the Mountain" I entered Lehi.

Awesome bike trains with tunnels under all roads.

Here is a maze of trails going through the American Fork Canyon.

Near Alpine the bike trails opened to a virtual two lane highway.

The trails got so fancy they even had a bike trail side by side with a walking trail.

Mt Timpanogas Temple in the distance.  But oddly my bike garmin led me way past the temple.  I finally determined the route that was programmed was in error and I had to use my wits and navigation tools I had to get back to the temple and find my way to Springville.

 Luetta says I look a little shaggy.

Here I am at Mt. Timpanogos Temple, standing right in front of the steeple.

I just went downhill from the temple until I crossed good old Hwy 89 and I was on track.

Entering Y country.

Here is the Provo Temple.

I also went by the Provo City center Temple.

Here is my ride for tomorrow (all uphill).

Springville to Mt. Pleasant

1 comment:

  1. You are making good progress. Looks fun. Where is your route for tomorrow?
