My True Followers

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 67 May 12 - 18, 2014

Monday, preparation day was rainy and mothers day in the US.  We had missionaries over to skype home and some of our children called us it was fun, but no pictures.

I am now running 5K three times a week (MWF) and so I just bought some new running shoes, the size is 28.5 cm and Nike Free 5.0 style. They are very light. My method of selecting them was very precise, I went through all the stacks of shoes at the local Sports Depot in Kumamoto and found three shoes that were my size and rejected the two that were wide, leaving me with the best choice.  I have run in them several times now and they are very comfortable.  The name free means more freedom of motion, they are very flexable and are a step closer to barefoot running.  They do make a funny noise when running that sounds like runners are behind me, sometimes I look to make sure.

In Japan you can stop by any hospital and find one of these blood pressure machines and see how you are doing. Recently, after biking some, I got 121/63.  Remember I do missionary biking, not exercise biking.

Saturday we tried some contacting at our favorite place lake Ezu.  Here is Luetta by an interesting rock and landscaping.

Near by some ducks were quacking away.

We had a fun experience of contacting 5 people and one couple that spoke very little english indicated they could not come to english class since they work on that day.  The man said he was Buddist and I said that was OK.  Then he noticed the イエスキリスト (Jesus Christ) on the flyer and said he was interested in Christ and wanted a phone number to call to learn more.  We pointed out the phone number the flier, since he was unwilling to give us his number.  Now we hope he actually calls.

Sunday, I had been asked by the Nagamine ward to give a talk on 十分の一税 (Jūbun'no ichi).
 If you look you will see my name in the program below, コバーステイン著炉。

It was translated and I finished my talk by giving my testimony in Japanese.

1 comment:

  1. Some Japanese characters are the same as Chinese, so I read that you spoke about tithing. :)
