Luetta and I have been so blessed with a wonderful family now with 12 grandchildren and one on the way. We have been able to prepare our self for retirement, a great blessing in this day. Now we want to give back in service to whomever the Lord will put in our path to help.
To help us do this we have now completed our application for mission service. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we will feel it a sacred privilege, if called, to labor wherever the Lord's servants call us to go. We have indicated on our application that we are willing to serve 23 months anywhere in the world where we could be useful. Our application has been reviewed by the Bishop of our Antioch 2nd ward and is now in the hands of our Stake President who will determine to recommend it to the Prophet and his representatives for their consideration.
In 2011 Luetta and I took two weeks of vacation and were blessed to serve in the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center near Palmyra, New York, USA. Here we are in front of the Christus Statue which is seen in many of the LDS visitor centers around the world. This one is unique in that it has a depiction of the sacred grove in the background, which is not far away, where Joseph Smith sought divine answer, by vocal prayer, to his question of which church to join. We had a wonderful experience talking to the many visitors to the visitor center, who had come to view the "Hill Cumorah Pageant" on the hillside just outside of the visitor center. It was a fantastic experience, as we fully expect our longer mission experience to be.
As soon as we know the results of our application we will post it here.